How Addressing Inconsistent Statements Can Support a Credible Defense
Posted on: 12 June 2018
A wrongful accusation of a crime does more than lead someone into legal trouble. False accusations ruin reputations. A person accused of a sex crime may find their personal and professional life irreparably harmed. The public's perceptions about sexual predators often prove harsher than would be the case with, say, property crimes. People remain fearful of someone believed to be a sexual predator. Life then suffers both dramatically and unfairly.
One ray of hope may exist. False accusations often come with inconsistent statements. An experiencedsex crimes attorney may be able to point out the inconsistencies and procure a dismissal of charges.
Understand False Accusations and False Statements
Reasons vary why someone chooses to make false accusations. One common thread among false accusers involves a lack of detail. Lies often contain conflicting and incomplete statements. Consider these statements as examples of inconsistencies:
"I left work at 9 PM." On the surface, the statement doesn't seem out of the ordinary. A closer examination reveals the person usually leaves work at 7:30 PM. An attorney can probe for an explanation of the 90-minute gap. Working overtime, for example, establishes accuracy in the statements. When co-workers reveal the person did leave at 7:30 and the accuser then changes a story to explain the 90-minute gap, this could cast suspicion on the statements.
"I arrived home at 11 PM and stayed there all night." The accuser states he/she arrived at a specific time. The accuser also states he/she never left the premises after the arrival. Being slightly off about an arrival time wouldn't likely raise concerns. Arriving an hour after claiming to come home might not other. Security camera footage showing arriving far later than claimed while also leaving and departing two more times can lead to questions. Doubts about the overall testimony may emerge based on such blatant inconsistencies in the story.
Through exposing inconsistent statements, a criminal defense attorney may succeed with impeaching a witness. In doing so, the attorney chips away at the credibility of the witness by casting doubt on how believable the witness is.
Determine Criminal Defense and Inconsistent Statements
Addressing inconsistent statements could lead to the accuser retracting an accusation. The dismissal of charges could follow. In a jury trial, concerns over inconsistent testimony might create enough reasonable doubt for a not guilty verdict. While no one can predict the outcome of any criminal trial, an attorney's challenging of an accuser's inconsistent statements should assist the defense. Be sure to hire a qualified attorney with the skills to address inconsistent statements in court.