• What Are Your Options In A Criminal Case?

    Hearing that you stand accused of a crime may have you ready to put up a legal fight. It's important, however, to weigh your options. That, of course, begs the question, "What are your options?" Let's look at the ways you may be able to respond to allegations. During the Investigative Process Ask any criminal defense attorney, and they'll tell you the best time to fight a case is before it even becomes one. [Read More]

  • 2 Things To Do When Charged With A DWI To Keep You Out Of Jail

    Being charged with a DWI doesn't have to mean the end of all things as you know it—in fact, as long as you aren't charged with a second DWI within the next 10 years, you'll feel only a small amount of blow-back in your personal life; however, your professional life may suffer if your job or the company you work for has contractual regulations in place. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you maintain a sense of normalcy as you work through the system and do what needs to be done to put this behind you. [Read More]

  • Vital Support: What Can A Criminal Defense Attorney Do For You?

    You've probably heard that those accused of crimes need to retain legal help. You might also be aware that the U.S. Constitution guarantees that a defendant has a right to legal representation. What many people don't fully realize is exactly why a defense attorney is necessary. Read on and find out what a criminal defense attorney can do for you—from start to finish. Bail Hearings and Arrangements Your first time in front of a judge after an arrest will likely be the arraignment. [Read More]